AI Briefing: How a media agency built a robotic alien to show off its generative AI tools

Aliens and robots are both synonymous with sci-fi, but one marketing agency decided to design something more extraterrestrial to manifest its AI. 

To show off its new AI platform, S4 Capital’s Media.Monks created an “Alien AI advisor” called Wormhole. With an aesthetic and personality inspired by the worm-like Annelids from “Men In Black,” Wormhole is covered with silicon skin rather than anything metallic or plastic like many other robots. Operated by animatronics hidden inside a wooden box Wormhole sits atop, the alien bot can bend its body, tilt its head and sip coffee from a diner mug as it thinks and chats. 

“He has an edgy humor,” said Iran Reyes, vp, global head of engineering at Media.Monks. “He has a specific communication style. Its answers are short [and] there are some personality traits…He knows how to answer things. It’s not scripted. It just gets an idea of how to answer things and and based on that he’s able to [answer on its own].”

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