Podcasts of the week: Spooky stories of the possessed from the stars of Paranormal Activity

In this week’s newsletter: Katie Featherston and Micah Sloat turn their hand to audio with True Tales of Possession. Plus: five of the best podcasts featuring A-listers

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Paranormal Activity: True Tales of Possession
Audible, all episodes available

Fifteen years after Katie Featherston and Micah Sloat terrified a generation in the film Paranormal Activity, they’re back to do the same in podcast form. Sloat is a big fan of spiritual exploration, so he’s perfectly placed to introduce the story of the Watseka Wonder, in which a 14-year-old girl claimed she was possessed by a dead woman for 16 weeks. “Witch father” Griffin Ced is on hand to explain more about possession, with surprisingly moving explanations. Hannah Verdier

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