Child-on-child abuse is increasing in the UK, but criminalising young people will only do more damage | Linda Papadopoulos

Awareness of the law is vital, so children under pressure feel empowered to say no, and parents know enough to support them

Linda Papadopoulos is a psychologist and author

When the National Police Chiefs’ Council released its analysis of crimes of child sexual abuse and exploitation recently, one figure particularly concerned me. Crimes in this category are changing, it found. For instance, child-on-child abuse, which historically represented about a third of offences, now accounts for just over half. The report described this as “a growing and concerning trend” – and it is.

But as a psychologist who investigates the sexualisation of young people, I don’t think the answer is criminalising them. About 25% of all sexual offences against children relate to online offences of indecent images, the report found. What young people need is support, information and guidance from the adults around them as they navigate an increasingly complicated online world.

Dr Linda Papadopoulos is a psychologist, broadcaster and author. Her latest book is Unfollow: Living Life on Your Own Terms

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