Category: FinTech

  • The Finanser’s Week: 19th August – 25th August 2024

    The main blog discussions this week include … Which European country worries the most about money? I just got pinged with some research about which countries are trying to save money the most from Finansvalp, a Swedish price comparison service and information site that writes about and compares banking services. Usually I ignore such surveys……

  • Chase Customer Insights tool expanding for businesses

    JPMorgan Chase will expand the accessibility of its data-driven business intelligence platform, Chase Customer Insights, to meet the demands of business clients.  “Customer Insights is currently available to Chase Payment Solutions clients and will become available to all Chase for Business clients later this year,” Deb Lawrence, managing director of community business strategies and government…

  • CFPB funding under new scrutiny

    The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is facing additional challenges that call into question the legality of the bureau’s funding.   The Supreme Court upheld the CFPB’s funding mechanism in May. In several recent lawsuits, companies sued by the CFPB for violations argue that the bureau is using funds it should not have. The Dodd-Frank Act requires that the CFPB is funded from “the combined earnings…

  • CFPB probes emerging AI-based tech

    The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has once again made it clear that new AI- and machine learning-based technologies are held to the same consumer protection regulations as established technologies.   Lenders must test and monitor new technology to ensure that the tools provide correct information to consumers and are compliant with fair lending requirements, John Redding, partner at law…

  • Which European country worries the most about money?

    I just got pinged with some research about which countries are trying to save money the most from Finansvalp, a Swedish price comparison service and information site that writes about and compares banking services. Usually I ignore such surveys and press releases – as they are generally not that exciting – but this one intrigued……

  • Which European country worries the most about money?

    I just got pinged with some research about which countries are trying to save money the most from Finansvalp, a Swedish price comparison service and information site that writes about and compares banking services. Usually I ignore such surveys and press releases – as they are generally not that exciting – but this one intrigued……

  • Which European country worries the most about money?

    I just got pinged with some research about which countries are trying to save money the most from Finansvalp, a Swedish price comparison service and information site that writes about and compares banking services. Usually I ignore such surveys and press releases – as they are generally not that exciting – but this one intrigued……

  • Which European country worries the most about money?

    I just got pinged with some research about which countries are trying to save money the most from Finansvalp, a Swedish price comparison service and information site that writes about and compares banking services. Usually I ignore such surveys and press releases – as they are generally not that exciting – but this one intrigued……

  • Which European country worries the most about money?

    I just got pinged with some research about which countries are trying to save money the most from Finansvalp, a Swedish price comparison service and information site that writes about and compares banking services. Usually I ignore such surveys and press releases – as they are generally not that exciting – but this one intrigued……

  • Which European country worries the most about money?

    I just got pinged with some research about which countries are trying to save money the most from Finansvalp, a Swedish price comparison service and information site that writes about and compares banking services. Usually I ignore such surveys and press releases – as they are generally not that exciting – but this one intrigued……